Quick Transmigration: Homewrecker System! [BL]

Chapter 817 - 15.36

"Oh, Pupa, I wonder about something."


"Are you considered a pet or not?" Yunyu asked shamelessly. 

"Is that a real question?"

"It is!" Yunyu insisted. "So, are you a pet or not? I mean, as a system, you\'re always staying around me. But wouldn\'t that mean you\'re also considered as my pet?"

Technically, Pupa was indeed Yunyu\'s pet since it was created solely to assist Yunyu around in his journey, even before its memory was erased. 

But Pupa didn\'t want to admit it because it felt a bit dishonored to admit its status as a pet to a messy hoe like Bai Yunyu.

"That question is sensitive for us, Systems. We don\'t need to answer that," Pupa said.

"Oh, come on, you\'re really not going to admit it? You know you have the honor to be my one and only exclusive pet!"

"Who would want to be a pet of a trainwreck hoe like you? PEH!" Pupa spat out its oil to imitate human spitting. 

"Aish, you are really a tsun-tsun, Pupa!"

Yunyu and Pupa argued for a while until Yunyu flew as he headed to the Forest of Lost Mist to find a pet for Han Shun. 

He landed in front of the forest. This forest acted as the gate between the mortal realm and the immortal one. 

The edge of this forest had a very thick mist. If any mortal without cultivation practice walked in, they would find themselves running in a circle before they walked out of the mist and returned to the spot.

Basically, no mortal was able to enter the real border of the forest, and the one with very low cultivation skills wouldn\'t be able to survive the number of weird beasts that could eat them.

Since celestial beasts could sense a weak body of a human, and ate them to satiate their hunger.

Bai Shijue stepped inside without worry, accompanied by Pupa that had materialized beside him.

"Why do I have to materialize anyway? You know I have a weak spot, right?" Pupa said.

"I know, but I need someone to accompany me! This place is hella scary, and there are lots of weird-looking beasts!"

"Those are celestial beasts. Besides, you\'re literally the sect leader of Plum Blossom Immortal Sect. You can kill those celestial beasts in less than five seconds!" 

"Pupa… just shut up and accompany me, or I will piss myself out of fear," Yunyu gave an ultimatum that forced Pupa to stay beside him.

They walked around the forest. It was really foggy, of course. But for someone like Bai Shijue, he had clear eyes that could see through the woods.

He saw various beasts in weird shapes and sizes walking around the forest without even looking at him because they knew that Bai Shijue was really strong. 

The celestial beasts avoided the strong and preyed on the weak, so Bai Shijue could walk around leisurely.

"How about that, Pupa?" Yunyu pointed at a three-headed chicken that spewed fire from their three beaks. "That looks cute."

"… it\'s a chicken."

"I know. It\'s a three-headed chicken that can spit out fire."

"And you think that would be a good pet for Han Shun?"

"No, but a good pet for me, of course!"

"… you want to eat spicy chicken, aren\'t you?"

Yunyu sighed, "Can we kill that chicken? I want to eat spicy chicken so much, but you said Bai Shijue is a light eater that barely eats, and even if he eats, he only likes plain food."


"Celestial beasts aren\'t food for humans or immortal. Their body contains a poison that would burn your body from inside," Pupa said. "Just bear with those tasteless foods or don\'t eat at all. It\'s not like you can get hungry or something in this world."

"Aish, you really don\'t know how to treat me well, Pupa."

"I don\'t think you want to be treated well. Remember how you got hard when Altair from ABO world spat on your face?"

"H—Hey, that\'s a different matter!"

Pupa and Yunyu continued arguing as they walked to find a good pet for Han Shun. As they paced aimlessly around the forest, Yunyu noticed a flickering light from a tree trunk.

He checked it carefully, afraid it might be a dangerous celestial beast. But what he found was a white chipmunk eating nuts inside its house in a tree trunk.

The white chipmunk had blue stripes on its body that glowed in the dark. The chipmunk was making a squeaking voice as it ate its dinner. 

"Ohh, this one is pretty cute. Come on, Pupadex, tell me what kind of thing this chipmunk can do?"

Pupa rolled its eyes and scanned the busy chipmunk, "Beep-Boop, Pachinchin, a Pikachu clone 2.0, beta-tested but got cut during the release of a new Pokemon game. Thus, became an inspiration for this author to make a new pet for Han Shun."

"Ah, come on, that\'s a meaningless description. I mean, what can it do? Shoot electricity?"

"No, a Pachinchin never gets lost because it has this ability to light the way between two spots. Pachinchin is not tameable unless the Pachinchin likes the person enough. Few immortals that dual cultivates used Pachinchin as a bridge, so they wouldn\'t lose each other."

"Ohh… wouldn\'t lose each other?"

"A simple explanation is: Pachinchin can connect to two objects at once, whether the object is an inanimate object or a human. Pachinchin\'s stripes will connect and light the way towards those two objects."

"So, immortal who dual cultivates used a Pachinchin to connect themselves. If one gets missing, they can use the Pachinchin to find each other again. Because this celestial beast\'s tracking ability can pass through any kind of barrier, no matter how far, they will find each other again."

"Ohh, so it\'s basically a tracking animal that lovers used so they will always find each other… huh, neat," Bai Yunyu carefully grabbed the Chipmunk by its body and then cupped it in his hand. "Hello, little guy, you will be my pet now, and you have no choice, okay?"

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