Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 53 053: Guroks The Threes II

Cole already knew that he would be facing off against hob-goblins as the boss, in this case the bosses of this floor. If he had to be honest, all to the tools he had available to him now made him formidable in a technological setting.

But this pre-modern wild west setting was making things a bit hard on him. From what he could see magic was the go to default setting for this floor, and it was quite stronger than the previous floor so things were a bit difficult to navigate.

Either way he had made plans for what he was going to do should it come to a boss fight, especially the last boss of this floor. But the plan he had out in place had been tested with rather disastrous consequences. Without any more healing capsules it would be beyond stupid to try baiting the hob-goblins to the mines that they had hurried. Plus these hob-goblins were lot stronger, smarter and more nimble than the normal. Ones he had been fighting so far.

A Lance of lighting blasted over his head as he rolled forwards and took off running, barely escaping the spear that came stabbing into the ground he was moments ago sitting on.

He pulled out on of his revolvers and put half the clip into the eyes and face of the Hob-goblin with the lightning skills. [Spectral Rover] helped him evade the next strike as the massive axe seemed to slide through his body without causing any sort of damage.

Cole stabbed his sword forwards into the chest of the axe hob, but the creature was deceptively fast. It was able to pull back the axe and place it in front of it\'s chest to decide against the swords strike. But Cole was always on the move, his mind seemed to be doing three different things at the same time.

Just as the Hob-goblin defended against the strike two shots went off from his revolver, straight into the exposed foot and ankle of the Hob-goblin, eliciting a wild cry from it, followed quickly by a head butt that Cole had not seen coming.

He stumbled backwards as a Javelin thrown with incredible power headed his way. Cole used [Gravity] to create a small bubbled that would protect him from the stack, however there was a sharp pop as the bubble popped and Cole was blasted backwards with a Javelin half through his left shoulder.

The Revolver in his hand fell to the ground as the Axe Hob rushed at him. The lightning Hob-goblin was not dead as from the side of his vision Cole was able to see the Hob-goblin pointing it\'s hand towards his direction.

Cole took a risk and dived to straight towards the axe Hob-goblin. He felt the lightning strike his back, throwing him forward even faster as he cashed into the body of the axe hob. They fell to the ground in a tangle of limbs. As it stood there was absolutely now way for the both of them to attack now, however that was Cole\'s plan right from start.

[Sin Easter]

The Hob-goblin let out a pained screech as unlike the previous times Cole has used this skill, the Hob-goblin began to trash and shake. That was when Cole felt it, an absolute deluge of energy rushing into him, but it was not coming from the Hob-goblin, rather it was coming from a tether or energy that was bound to the dungeon mob.

There was a flash or realization before Cole had to quickly roll away. Another javelin struck the location his head had previously occupied. But in the end it didn\'t matter as Cole was topped off and had excess energy leaking out from him, plus, the Javelin Hob-goblin and came bit closer, and that was a mistake.


A visible rippled flew through the air and impacted the Hob-goblin and threw of it\'s feet and straight down onto one of the many mines they had made around their camp.


The explosion was nothing short of spectacular if Cole had to be honest. A massive chunk of flesh was blow of it\'s chest, spraying into the air like confetti, or perhaps like some sort of bloody insecticide spray.

The explosion was enough to draw the attention of the remaining the goblins, who at this point we\'re no longer at 100% capacity to fight Cole who was still good to go for a few more rounds. But was closer to the axe Hob-goblin who looked as if he had lost a few dozen pounds of weight from the 4 seconds that he and Cole had been tangled on the ground.

The Hob-goblin showed his first signs of intelligence since this fight started by moving backwards. It was so obvious it did not want Cole to touch any part of its body for fear of experiencing the excruciating draining sensation Cole had made it feel.

But that fear worked against it as now Cole had the initiative. These hob-goblins had some sort of resistance to projectile attacks, but nothing of the sort against slashing and piercing attacks. Which meant this floor more than encourage bounty hunters to get up close and personal with the goblins since their guns could only do so much damage.

For rookies that was a suicide attempt, but now that he was facing off against a scared Hob-goblin, Cole would have this fight done. He rushed forwards, and just in time too as he evaded a lightning strike. The axe whistled through the air heading straight for the top of his head.

[Spectral Rover]

Cole blurred forwards, getting directly into the space of the Hob-goblin and placing his hand on its chest, before wrapping his other arm around his waist. Cole could see the absolutely terrified look on its face, but by then it was too late, and he looked up like some child giving an elder a hug, letting the Hob-goblin see his sadistic side.

[Sin Eater]


Cole felt lightning slamming into his back, over and over against as a literal waterfall of energy surged into his body. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced or faced, and even the face of constantly being attacked by the other Hob-goblin, he ignored it all as he drained the one in front of him.

The Hob-goblin dried up until all that was left was leathery skin stretched taut over brittle bones. But still the energy kept coming, and this was because Cole knew the energy did not belong to the Hob-goblin but rather the Dungeon core, and with how many floor and monsters it had, it was quite obvious the dungeon had excess energy to spare.

It was in that moment that Cole felt the tether binding the Hob-goblin to the dungeon snap, cutting him off from the endless source of energy. But regardless he came out of this interaction the winner.

[Sin Eater used! +20 to all stats! Energy +120]

Cole\'s eyes bulged out in surprise as he ducked down, dodging a blast of lightning that turned the Axe hob-goblin to dust. He shook his head as he turned around to the only other target left, the lightning Hob-goblin.

But with the look on its face, it was obvious it really didn\'t want to be anywhere near Cole. Not that Cole gave a shot, that was free stats and energy waiting for him to come harvest it. He rushed forwards, rolling forwards to dodge a lightning blasts.

He jumped over a mine mound and landed in front of the lightning Hob-goblin, only to receive a kick to his chest that threw him backwards. A lightning blast followed quickly after, but Cole quickly rolled to the side and wrenched his arm to she side. [Gravity]

The Hob-goblin was carried off his feet and slammed into the side of a pillar. But it was not going down that easily as retaliated with a lightning strike of it\'s own that blasted Cole off his feet and straight towards a mound of mines.


It slowed his flight down long enough for him to use [Spectral Rover] to quickly escape the blast radius and make his way back the Hob-goblin. It was at this point he decided to use other tools in his arsenal as he utilized his [Lesser Mind Control] skill. However…

[Lesser Mind Control skill resisted]

Cole almost cursed out loud in anger at that point, but the Hob-goblin was not in a good position either as resisting the skill had left it dazed for about two seconds. Enough time for Cole to close the distance and stab his sword up under his jaw and out the top of it\'s head.

He pulled his sword out and kicked the Hob-goblin away. It\'s body landed on the ground with a wet thump as Cole stood there, breathing deeply, while was left of his energy, was used to heal the injuries he had received.

[First Floor Has Been Cleared! Rewards granted!]

Just as that notification appeared, there was a flash of light as a bright silver chest showed up in front of him. There motifs of his fight with the Hob-goblins emblazoned on it. Cole gave a tired smiled as he said.

"Finally some loot!"

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